Thursday, February 11, 2010


Something to ponder before I go off.

In not too-distant-a-time, I think some aspect of the society's value system - in the forms of trust, faith and belief - would somehow altered or perhaps changed. Promises were made to be broken; pledge is no longer reliable while punctuality is as good as cliche. More often than not, promises that are made to tie a bond between individuals end up with '"Im so sorry...".

Im normally ok with that actually.

I trust that when someone says "Im so sorry", it really means "Sorry, God's willing".

To put it simply and ideally, honesty is like, when you really mean it, and say it, and show it, then it is actually what lies in your heart. It is all about consistency; otherwise it will become double-standard. You can't possibly show or display your honesty simply by stating that you are an honest person publicly; it must be accompanied by actions. But that also doesn't warrant you a guarantee that you are indeed an honest person. Why? It is all about your heart; nobody knows what is there for you or anyone else. The element of 'fear' of something is always there. What is 'the thing' that you are afraid of? Nobody knows. Honesty, then, is the soft and soothing feel inside us that keeps reminding us not to hurt people, be they near or far. The issue remains, however, that it is not that easy to convince anyone that honesty is all we have in our hearts. There are many reasons why people are critical about honesty. I am only interested in three: selfish, impatience, and ignorance.