Dear all, salaam.
Immediately after the two seminars that we have been participating last few days, I strongly feel that there is a need for you to have a more crystal-clear conception of what the history of the Malay Peninsula (during the European era) really is. I believe Mills's (1961) account of the history is sufficient to describe the scenario better:
"The division of of Malayan history into three phases of European domination can, therefore, have some justification if the Portuguese, Dutch and British in turn were able to use their naval stations either at Malacca or Penang to establish an indisputable and extensive control of local Asian commerce; it might then be said that they affected the life of the country decisively through their supremacy on the sea if not by their ccupation of the land..." (Mills, 1961, p. 9)
Please proceed through the pages, and let me know of the remaining 'hidden' history of the Malay world polity system.
Have fun reading, thank you. See you then.
Immediately after the two seminars that we have been participating last few days, I strongly feel that there is a need for you to have a more crystal-clear conception of what the history of the Malay Peninsula (during the European era) really is. I believe Mills's (1961) account of the history is sufficient to describe the scenario better:
"The division of of Malayan history into three phases of European domination can, therefore, have some justification if the Portuguese, Dutch and British in turn were able to use their naval stations either at Malacca or Penang to establish an indisputable and extensive control of local Asian commerce; it might then be said that they affected the life of the country decisively through their supremacy on the sea if not by their ccupation of the land..." (Mills, 1961, p. 9)
Please proceed through the pages, and let me know of the remaining 'hidden' history of the Malay world polity system.
Have fun reading, thank you. See you then.