Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How small is small?

Spent almost hours sipping coffee at the IBC's cafe days ago. We were engaged in a rather undesired conversation pertaining to the Anwar's case, and the way he was taken away by the authority.

"Well, it is such a small issue", I said to Jumali.

"How small is your small?" Jumali smiled.

"Depending on who's asking..", was my reply.


"Meaning, if you are asking on behalf of the government, you may want to look at it in a rather 'criminal-case' manner, which is no big deal, too small a case."

"However, if you look at it in a more personal and political perspective, then it is an extremely big case!"

Wak Din came, and we stopped at once. We talked about Tasik Puteri instead.