Saturday, September 27, 2008

round table conference on the future of malaysia

Yes. The round table conference will take place on Nov 10th, 2008 at Concorde Shah Alam. The conference is organised by the Faculty of Communication & Media Studies UiTM. I will be one of the participants. The format is quite simple & straight forward: every participant/thinker will pen in their thoughts on the issues to be deliberated. Each of them will come up with an article. All articles - written by 40 participants - will be put in booklet form.
Generally, participants are expected to discuss issues pertaining to this basic question:
"Are the basic structural features of democratic Malaysia weakening?"
Let me know if you are interested to attend the conference. Alternatively, you can let the Centre (Centre of Media & Information Warfare Studies, Faculty of Communication & Media Studies, UiTM Shah Alam) know if you are interested to come and listen - out of your academic endeavour. The Centre can be contacted by calling Munis Paran (Senior Fellow) 03-55225568; 03-55225325; 03-55225327/5328.
See you there!