Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Faith is, simply, belief.
Here, in a restaurant at one of the North-South Hiway's R&Rs, Im sitting - and posting this entry - observing anything that I can see and visualize, as I make my way to my hometown. I have so many things in my mind; tiny, small and major things. Tried to get hold of Di the whole day and night yesterday, but to no avail. I told Di we must not have a poor opinion of ourself although we should recognize that we are not perfect. The imperfections, no matter how little or big they are, though, are sight. They are trivial and we need only give them passing notice. Thus, instead of dwelling on the minor things we feel are imperfections, count up the major things in our favor. By doing that, we dont underestimate the things we have taken for granted in the passing years of our life.
I strongly believe that faith is a gift that we have always owned. Im not sure about Di.
I got to make a move. And it rains heavily at the moment. The coffee tastes so good! Why? Because I belief in anything, that is faith in anything.
Have a nice day. Salam aidiladha.