here are some suggested roles and position of a prime minister. I believe this is timely considering the fact that the prime minister has recently made a public statement - which was well covered by almost all mainstream media - that there was no issue of 'lost control'.
Head of Government
The Prime Minister is Head of Government.
Chief Executive
To the Prime Minister fall the constitutional charge to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”
Chief Administrator
He administers the system that uniquely governs a multi-ethnic society.
Chief Diplomat
He has prime responsibility for the conduct of Malaysia foreign policy
Chief Legislator / Head of Policymaker
The Prime Minister plays a decisive role of guiding legislation in its law-making and public policy activities.
Voice of the people
He is “the leading statesman and spokesperson for the Third World.
Protector of Peace
In the face of challenges, domestic as much as foreign, the Prime Minister is expected to promote national security and tranquility.
Manager of Prosperity
The Prime Minister is expected “to foster economic growth, to avoid economic fluctuations and to maintain employment, production, and purchasing power,” This is evident for instance during the economic crisis of late 1990s which eventually, the Prime Minister introduced and implemented the pegging of Ringgit.
Islamic / Third World Leader:
More than just chief diplomat of Malaysia, the Prime Minister is expected to perform his role as a leader for the wellbeing of Islamic and other Third World states and for international affairs globally in general. This is done via various institutions such as the OIC.